Trading Services

Currency Conversion

Currency Conversion

Patria Finance allows investors to convert their funds from one currency to another. The exchange order can be placed by phone or via the online trading application. Conversions are executed at exchange rate derived from current rate on interbank foreign exchange market during working days from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (CET). Current rate is available to clients especially in the trading application. The standard settlement time frame is the second day after the execution of the trade, which in practice means that if you carry out a conversion on a given day (T) and plan to trade on a stock exchange that settles transactions only three days after concluding a trade (T+3), the trading system will immediately allow you to do that.

You can also try "Automatic currency conversion“. After an easy activation of the service, you can place a buy order without prior currency conversion. The operation will be carried out by Patria Finance next weekday at 9:15 AM at current exchange rates.

How To Succeed?

How To Succeed?

Take our free investment classes or see instructional videos and the application guide.

Are My Investments Safe?

Are My Investments Safe?

Our application offers the highest security through a combination of a user name, password, certificate and an authorization code.

Demo Trading?

Demo Trading?

Try out a demo trading account with one million koruna. Find out how successful your investments were!

Where To Trade?

Where To Trade?

Apart from the Prague Stock Exchange, you can choose from more than 30 major stock exchanges in Central and Western Europe, and North America.